FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) – Feel free to ask!

  1. What is this?
  2. What is a “CreepyPasta”?
  3. Why did you make this?
  4. Does this site take traffic away from the original place where the pasta was posted?
  5. Can I post a pasta here?
  6. Can I suggest a pasta for you to read and rate?
  7. This pasta has been updated!  Would you re-rate it?
  8. This pasta doesn’t have an author tag but I know who the author is.  Can you add the author tag?
  9. Do I have to be registered with WordPress to rate or leave a message?
  10. What is Gravatar?

1. What is this?

Scary Noodles is a blog where you can rate the various Creepy Pastas from around the web.

2. What is a “CreepyPasta”?

The CreepyPasta Wiki defines a “CreepyPasta” as a short story that is posted on the Internet and designed to unnerve and shock the reader.  They have more to say on the subject here.

3. Why did you make this?

I made this site to make it easier for you to find pastas based on their ratings.  Places like CreepyPasta.com already have a search-by-rating system in place for their content and I strongly urge you to rate on there site before rating here.  However, other places, such as The CreepyPasta Wiki, have places to rate their content but do not give you the option to sort by rating.

Without this option, it is very difficult to navigate through the hundreds of pastas out there.

4. Does this site take traffic away from the original place where the pasta was posted?

Absolutely not.  I have only linked the pastas here.  When you click on a link it takes you to where the pasta was originally posted, giving them the page view.  I am only using this site to rate and organize the pastas and do not host any pastas here.

5. Can I post a pasta here?

No, only links to pastas will be posted here.  There are several sites on the internet where you can post your creepy pastas.  There is a menu to the right side of the site with a “Submit your pasta here!” heading. You can submit your pasta to these sites.

**Each site will have their own submission rules and it is your responsibility to read them before posting on their site.**

6. Can I suggest a pasta for you to read and rate?

Absolutely!  Go here and just leave me a message with the link to the pasta. I can’t give you an exact time of when I will get to it, and it will depend on how many rating requests I get.

7. This pasta has been updated!  Would you re-rate it?

Sure!  I have no problem with updating a past rating.  Just give me the link to the updated pasta and I will re-read and rate it.

8. This pasta doesn’t have an author tag but I know who the author is.  Can you add the author tag?

Definitely!  Give me the link where the author has published the pasta and I will update the tag.  However, if the link does not clearly have the author’s name, I cannot add the tag.

9. Do I have to be registered with WordPress to rate or leave a message?

Certainly not!  You can also use Gravatar.

10. What is Gravatar?

From the site:

  • A Gravatar is a Globally Recognized Avatar. You upload it and create your profile just once, and then when you participate in any Gravatar-enabled site, your Gravatar image will automatically follow you there.

One response to “FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) – Feel free to ask!

  1. Pingback: Welcome to ScaryNoodles! | Scary Noodles

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