13 Curves

13 Curves – by BillSpringerJr




My Ratings and additional details below:

A Christmas Warning

A Christmas Warning

3,291 words

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My Rating out of 5:
Grammar/Structure/Spelling: 3/5
Originality/Creativity: 3/5
Creepiness: 3/5
Total: 3/5 – Average

My Rating out of 10:
Grammar/Structure/Spelling: 7/10
Originality/Creativity: 7/10
Creepiness: 6/10
Total: 7/10 – Good

Short Summary – *WARNING: Possible Spoilers!*

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On Christmas Eve, A brother and sister decide to stay up and wait for Santa.

The Clown, the Paint, and the Turbines

The Clown, the Paint, and the Turbines

2,222 words

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My Rating out of 5:
Grammar/Structure/Spelling: 3/5
Originality/Creativity: 4/5
Creepiness: 3/5
Total: 3/5 – Average

My Rating out of 10:
Grammar/Structure/Spelling: 5/10
Originality/Creativity: 8/10
Creepiness: 6/10
Total: 6/10 – Nice

Short Summary – *WARNING: Possible Spoilers!*

–Highlight to show–

A boy learns that he should have listened to his parents.